Official website for the AMiNIMiga project

A Pre-setup Workbench for “Amiga and Amiga clones”
Containing some of the long forgotten and abandoned software you knew and loved from your youth.
Including but not limited to:
- DiectoryOpus 4, ScalaMM, FinalWriter
- Eagleplayer, Hippoplayer, ProTracker
- DeluxePaint, Brilliancs, Real3D, Lightwave
- Amos, AmigaE, BlitzBasic
*All of which of cource are shareware or abandonware by now!
AMiNIMiga comes preloaded with almost the whole WHDLoad package, with titles such as:
Superfrog, AlienBreed, Apidya, Banshee, Breathless, Cannon Fodder, Civilization, IK+, Lemmings, Slam Tilt, etc ect!
Some newly ported Amiga games: Doom, Duke Nukem, Heretic, Wolfenstein3D
Three different games launchers: iGame, TinyLauncher, Xbench, you should find one you like!
The whole WHDLoad package with Demos, with all time favorites like:
Arte, Coma, Enigma, Hologon, JesusOnE,StateOfTheArt and a handfull more
AMiNIMiga v212F for MiSTer/MiST/SiDi takeoff!
It’s finally time for a brand spanking new MiSTer release!
And this time i have added support for MiST and SiDi FPGA, they run essentially the same core as the MiSTer but differ in RTG driver, and how internet is accessed. AMiNIMiga will detect what system you are using on boot and use the correct drivers/setup!
This is AMiNIMiga v212F that was released a few months ago for the A500Mini but BETTER since its for FPGA systems, stability has gone through the roof in this release, its been running days on end on my MiSTer without any hickups. (Well some Amiga type memory crashes and whatnot ofcource)
Much has been added since the old MiSTer release, a load of new application MANY for internet use. More Games, More Music.
And to my potentially new userbase from MiST and SiDi communities:
Welcome aboard, AMiNIMiga is the biggest collection of Amiga retro software there is, the most complete Workbench distribution EVER released! SOOO much
Games/ demos/ emulators/ Mods/ SIDs/ sound samples(for tracking mods)/ cracktros/ intros/ applications/ hacks/ NSFW classic pictures.
AMiNIMiga is based on WB 3.1 with loads of patches/hacks to make it up to 1996 standards ;), there is over 100 Applications preinstalled ready to go, whatever you wish to do there is probably the right tool for it.
To follow the latest developments and news updates join the facebook group:
AMiNIMiga Users group
Downloads are be found on the Download page here on the website!
If you enjoy what i do, gift me a beer or a coffe:

AMiNIMiga v212F Released!
Time for a new version of AMiNIMiga! A lot is new, On the emulation side we have Amiberry5, And a long requested feature on the A500Mini: We now have INTERNET on AMiNIMiga on the A500Mini!
(Thanks to Pandory Team for their hard work bringing us Amiberry5 and Ethernet support)
On the AMiNIMiga side there is a lot of changes and i recommend you have a look in the Readme file in the archive for all changes! This included updates of applications, updates to the whdload games/demos, a lot of new applications, even MORE music/media, added tons of Internet games/applications to play around with on internet! And how about QUAKE! nativly running on the A500Mini Arm hardware! Just launch it from the AMiNIMiga desktop! And YO:
AMiNIMiga in collaboration with Team Pandory presents QUAKE tournaments every saturday at 21:00 GMT / 4:00PM EST
If you enjoy what i do, gift me a beer or a coffe:
Today is AMiNIMiga MiSTer day!
First out of many AMiNIMiga Editions is MiSTer Edition! Release today (03/25 2023) 20:00 GMT+2. I will do livestream playing some games and watching some demos in the Facebook group, please join in:
AMiNIMiga Users group
Downloads will be found on the Download page here on the website after the Livestream has started at 20:00!
If you enjoy what i do, gift me a beer or a coffe:
Happy new Year!
The new year has begun!
I thought i would start it with a BANG and release a completely free and public version of AMiNIMiga v200F(202F) for the A500Mini. Downloads are on the Downloads page! please follow the instructions carefully, they have changed a bit from v101!
For this year i’m wishing for a lot less complains about copying speed of v101 🙂
From “All of me” to all of you: Have fun with AMiNIMiga v200: Download
If you enjoy what i do, gift be a beer or a coffe:
The AMiNIMiga-RTG is under development, a first Beta is available for beta testers and as thank you to donators, You can view a small sneak peak video to the left.
Im working on porting over AMiNIMiga to more Systems, next in line is RPi4/400 versions, pictured to the right here. Also coming are versions for MiSTer, PiStorm and i have thought of making a PC USB stick bootable straight to AMiNIMiga on “any” PC.

A compact reimagining of the Amiga 500 home computer released by RetroGames LTD in 2022!

USB Stick
A high quality USB stick, preferably USB 3 (for fast PC transfers) The A500 is USB 2.0 only

Get it from the Downloads link at the top! Scroll down for instructions!

Instructions: (for v101, for v202 follow instructions.txt inside archive)
Video instructions are now available
1. Format your USB stick as FAT32 (If you have problems use “Rufus”)
2. Unpack the archive either direct to the USB or to the hardrive first
3. Copy the unarchived files to the USB stick (as pictured)
4. !!Read the Release setup .txt file!!
5. Insert your USB stick in the back (or USB hub) of you’r A500Mini
6. Turn on the A500!
7. Go to the USB icon in RetroGames Launcher (as pictured)
8. Press A to enter the USB stick
9. Locate Aminimiga in the list (as pictured)
10. Press A to slelect a startup config, you’r oprtions might differ
depending on version, Aminimiga/Aminimiga-RTG/2player/
WHDLoad-Optimized for example.
11. Never press Menu to enter the RG configurator when Aminimiga is
selected it will overwrite my custom config and you will have to
copy the .uae file from the archive again. (pictured as example)
12. Press Home to start the Selected startup config!
13. PROFIT (pictured below)
14. Have fun, hopefully as fun as i had compiling this WB.